Upcoming Events
Daniels Den, Parent and toddler group.
Every Tuesday during term time from 9:30 am to 11 am in the Church Hall.
Read MoreWednesday Prayer Group
First Wednesday of the month in the church. Join us for Fellowship Tea & Coffee a Reflection and an opportunity to pray for our church parish and all who are…
Read MoreSunday Lunch Together
2nd Sunday of the month. Please come and join us. It is a bring and share lunch but do not worry if you have not been able to bring anything…
Read MoreMonthly prayer group
Come and join us each month on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm In the Church
Read MoreMemory cafe
Come and join us every Thursday between 11 am and 1 pm for Memory Cafe. It is open to all who have memory issues, anyone feeling lonely or isolated, and…
Read MoreTuesday Morning Gardening & Coffee
Tuesdays at 11:30 am we come together and tidy the grounds and garden at St Cuthberts Church. All are welcome we are always looking for a new voluntary help.
Read MoreDaniels Den Tuesday during term time.
Daniels Den meets every Tuesday between 9:30 and 11am during term time. A parent and toddler group local to you with fun activities music and lots of space. This is…
Read MoreSaturday Morning Cafe
Join us on Saturdays between 10am-12pm (during school term time) for coffee/tea, refreshments and fellowship. Donations of homemade cakes most welcome. If you would like to join our Cafe Rota…
Read MoreThe Annunciation South Kenton.
St Cuthbert’s church and The Annunciation our linked together if you would like to attend an earlier service The Annunciation has a Service at 9:30am ever Sunday. Rev Trevor Goddard…
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